Guys, you need to see this!


"Free from all you're supposed to be!"

Idag fyller Drew Fuller 33 år :)
Om ni undrar så är han en skådespelare. Han spelar Chris i Charmed.
Bilderna ser alltid en aning sämre ut när man har skannat in dem... Aja.
Ha det gott, folk.

Jag har klippt mig! :D

Här är min nya frisyr.
Jag gillar det verkligen ^.^
Jag ser en aning annorlunda ut... Men det känns rätt.
Det här var alltså första gången jag klippte mig hos en frisör. Det var kul. Jag visste inte att man brukade prata med sin frisör. Jag tänkte mig typ en awkward tystnad... Men så var det inte :)

Jag såg Killing Bono igår :D
Den var awesome, jag tycker om filmer som handlar om band. Musikaler är också bra. Musik + film = <3
Ben var bra, hans roll kändes annorlunda. Rena motsatsen mot Caspian. Det är ju bra att han vågar på olika typer av roller. Jag tror förresten att skådespelare själva tröttnar på att spela samma typer av roller.
Robert var också duktig (haha, det känns som att jag pratar om ett barn som klarade ett matteprov). Jag älskar hans hår, och han passar faktiskt i guyliner.
Filmer som handlar om verkliga händelser, band, personer och liknande är spännande. De har också alltid den där vita texten i slutet som berättar vad som ände efter. Finns det en genre för sådanna filmer?
Also, this song is AWESOME!


Hej. Här sitter jag och försöker lära mig "I dreamed a dream". Sedan borde jag även går igenom NO:n. Vi har ju prov imorgon. Idag märktes det tydligt att ingen var speciellt glad över det.
Vad är ljud... Det är ganska coolt egentligen. Att massa vibrationer kommer ut ur vår mun, flyger genmom luften och uppfattas av hörselceller och så hör vi helt plötslit en sång.

The clock

Dagens skämt: Vet du varför Eskimåer äter säl?
Svar: De har inte så mycket val.

Här är min nya (inte alls creepy) fanfiction. Korrekturläst av ingen mindre än Sara.

"Humoristiskt passande och så bra att mitt poetiska flow inte räcker till." - Sara



The clock

It was early afternoon or just after midday. Thor and Loki sat with a paper each before them on the table. They both looked frustrated.


A couple of hours earlier Tony had told Thor about an event he thought they should go to. “There’s this big concert tomorrow, with some of the greatest rock stars now living. I thought you and Steve should go there since you have missed all that.”

Thor had happily agreed to go. He looked at it as a chance of finding out more about the culture of the Midgardians. “What about Loki?” he asked.

“Sure, take Rock of Ages with you. He’ll probably enjoy it. It starts at nine and goes on for three hours…”

“Nine what?” Thor asked. He had never needed to talk about a specific time before. He usually used days, weeks, months and years, never hours or minutes.

When Tony saw the confused look on Thor’s face he said: “Nine o’clock, 21.00. Nine hours after midday. Jeez, don’t they teach you the clock up there?”

“We have no need for that.”

“Oh, I see…” Tony couldn’t really imagine how they could live without clocks. Did they still have the middle ages up in Asgard?

“Would you mind sharing your knowledge?” Thor asked.

“No, of course not, I’ll see what I can do. Jarvis, print out some exercises for six year olds.”


So, now the Gods sat there with the papers. They didn’t find it much fun to sit there and try to learn the clock. Every once in a while they sighed and stretched out their backs before going back to the exercises. Thor was inpatient and had already broken two pens.

“This is dreary.” He said.

“It was your idea” Loki recalled.

“When can we take a break?”

“We just started.”

“I know…”

“Thor, you’re distressing me.” Loki gave Thor an angry look. Learning the clock wasn’t much easier for Loki and the whole thing started to annoy him.

A minute passed and Thor made a happy grunt. Loki raised an eyebrow and looked at him surprised.

“I’m finished.” Said Thor and leaned back in the chair looking satisfied.

Loki turned the paper upside down and said. “There is a second page.”

Thor smashed his hand on the table and broke his third pen. “What?” He exclaimed. Loki handed him a new pen and they both continued with the learning.


At last Loki put down his pen and sighed. “Finally. I’m done with it.” He stood up and was just about to leave when Thor grabbed his arm and stopped him. “I have finished it too. Now we need to see if we’ve done it correctly.”

Loki glared at him but Thor ignored it. “We’ll ask Tony to correct it.”

“Thor, I know you seem to want to connect with the humans by doing all these things.” As he said that he made a gesture towards the papers. “But why do I have to do that too?”

Thor looked at his brother and sighed. “I think it would do you good, brother. This is useful knowledge and we may need it in the future.”

“Only if we’re going to be around humans.”

“Which we will be and already are.” With those words Thor marched out of the room dragging Loki with him.

When they arrived to the living room where Tony was they walked up to him.

“We have now learned how you call the time here on Earth.” Thor proudly announced and gave the papers to Tony.

“Well that is magnificent.” Tony said with a string of sarcasm. Loki frowned and crossed his arms. Thor didn’t seem to have noticed it and just waited for Tony to correct the papers.

“Jarvis, do you mind?” Tony said and put the papers in front of him on the table.

“Of course not, sir.” Said Jarvis and scanned the papers. “Five out of fifteen answers are incorrect on the paper with no name and… Eight out of fifteen answers are incorrect on the other paper with no name.”

“You didn’t write any names.” Tony noticed.

“No, we didn’t.” Loki said.

“Should we have done that?” Thor asked.

“Well, there was a square that said ‘name’ on the paper.” Said Tony.


Loki picked up one of the papers. It was the one with the most correct answers. “This one is mine.” He said.

Thor looked at the paper. “No, that one’s mine.”

“No it isn’t, Thor. I can clearly see that it is my handwriting.” He picked up the other paper and added: “You see this, I don’t write nines like that. This is yours.” Then he handed the paper to Thor.

“But-“ Said Thor.

Tony interrupted the fight. “Stop bitching, you two. It doesn’t matter who of you did what, just tell me what time it is.”

Loki and Thor stopped and looked at the clock on the wall.

“It is three and a half.” Said Loki.

“Half past three.” Said Thor.

“Thor is right.”

Thor smiled triumphantly.

“What will the time be in two and a half hours?” Tony asked.

This time they both thought carefully before they answered. Thor was still counting when Loki said: “Six o’clock.”

“Correct. Good, you both passed the test.” Said Tony. “Class dismissed.”

“Are we ready to go to the concert?” Thor asked.

“Well, it’s not until tomorrow but yes, you are.” Tony said.

“Wait, what concert?” Loki asked confused.

“Didn’t Thor tell you about the concert? Wasn’t that the reason why you were learning the clock?” Asked Tony.

“No he didn’t.” Said Loki and looked angrily at Thor.

“Now you know.” Said Thor and smiled.

“You just made me do this idiotic paper because you were going to a concert?” Loki yelled.

We are going to a concert. You’ll go too.” Corrected Thor.

“Did it never occur to you that I might not want to go?”

“Well, no…”

“You’re unbelievable. I’m not going.” Said Loki and stormed out of the room.

Tony who had been sitting quietly all this time said: “I guess I can ask some homeless person if he wants to go then.”

“Loki, will change his mind. He’s just a little mad that I didn’t ask him first. And because I threatened to throw Mjolnir at him unless he did the exercises.” Said Thor. “I should apologise to him…”

“Good, I wasn’t serious about what I said. I don’t really want to talk to any homeless guys… I prefer to donate.” Seeing as Thor didn’t pay any attention to what he was saying Tony went back to work.

After pondering for a few minutes Thor decided to sort things out with Loki. It was then already late afternoon or, if you prefer, early evening.



Jag har kommit in i min obsession med Charmed igen. I love it! Och nu visar de säsong 6 på tv och det är där Chris är med (karaktären alltså). I love him *u*
Säsong 3 och 6 är mina favoriter tror jag... Cole kom nämligen in i säsong 3. I love him too *U*
And do you now what they said on imdb?
Eureka mhm... AND Pushing Daisies! I'm so gonna watch that show.

DO you remember whEn wE Used tO dAnce?

Svar: thank you, Thor :)
But why do you need a hug? How are ya feelin?
Svar: I'm feeling good now. Thank's for the hugs, guys ^u^
De visar Sunshine på tv11 idag klockan 21.00. Ni vet den där filmen med Chris Evans och Cillian.
Nu tar vi med Joeseph här bara för att

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