At lunch…
Steve -Tony, could you pass me the salad, please?
Tony - Eh what?
S - The salad, please.
T - Sorry… Here you go.
S - Thank you. What are you doing by the way?
T - Mm just reading the news, they are discussing how to make the cars friendlier to the environment, and I think-
Loki - Stark, no one wants to know what you think, thank you.
S - Loki do you always have to be so…
L - So what?
S - So mean.
L - Well forgive me, but I just saved us from a long lecture about Tony Stark’s brilliant idea and how no body else understands it.
T - I wasn’t going to have a lecture I was just going to-
L - I don’t want to-
T - Say that-
L - Know what you were going to say!
T - Fine.
Thor - Why are you guys yelling so much?
S - Good morning Thor. Loki and Tony are having a fight.
Th - Loki! No fights!
L - Not that kind of fight, we were talking… Loudly.
Th - Good, I don’t want to put you in handcuffs again.
L - You wouldn’t dare.
Th- Sure I would. Where’s the beef?
S - It’s vegetarian week.
Th - What do you mean Steve?
S - No meat.
Th - What… No meat?
S - Exactly, just vegetables.
Th - …
T - You’ll manage.
Th - Who came up with this stupid idea, no meat for a week? All I want is a big cooked peace of meat.
S – Well we only have pasta salad and Pita bread today.
Natasha – Could every one please just sit down and eat like Clint and Bruce.
L – What are you doing? You can’t have cucumber in the Pita bread.
N – Why not, it’s good.
L – Not just cucumber, you need to have meat to.
N – But we don’t have any meat.
Th – Seriously no meat… not even fish?
T – No I think you can have fish…
S – Yes but not today.
Th – Ah I can’t eat this, it’s cold.
L – Come one it’s not that bad.
Th – Yes it is. I’m not eating it.
N – You’ll be hungry.
Th – I’ll manage.
Some hours later…
Thor sneaks into the kitchen.
Thor – Loki? What are you doing here?
Loki – I could ask you the same.
Thor – I was hungry.
Loki – Me too.
Thor – What did you find?
Loki – Dried fruit and crackers.
Thor – Give me some.
Loki – Hey don’t take it all, leave some for me.
Thor – I’m hungrier than you.
Loki – Don’t push me… Give them back!
Steve – …
Thor – Ehm Steve…
Loki – We were just…
Steve – No explanation needed, give me some crackers I’m hungry.
Tony – What are you doing here?
Steve, Thor, Loki – Nothing!
Tony – Why are you eating from my private storage?
Thor – You want some?
Tony – Yeah sure. You know… Let’s skip this vegetarian week I want meat.
Thor – Yes thank you!
Steve – Who came up with this idea anyway?
Tony – Pepper.
Loki – What? We have been eating this crap because of a woman?
Tony – A good woman.
Thor – Well we’re stopping right now.
Tony, Steve – Yeah.
Förlåt om slutet verkar förhastat eller något... God natt.....Zzzzzzz
Haha yay ^^ MEAT FTW :) men hehe du skrev ut hela namnen på slutet :O asso Loki istället för L osv.
Men Thor, man KAN äta utan kött... >:(