Jag såg Shanes vlogg oo oo
Nuff said
"Because I'm batman"
Darling ;)
- Läst ut en bok skriven av Lucy & Steven Hawking
- Varit i Uppsala
- Sett The Dark Knight Rises på bio med Sara :) (väldigt bra film)
- Sett Inception (också en väldigt bra film) med Vewe
- Sett Star Trek tha movie som inte var speciellt bra. Såg den egentligen bara för de fem första minuterna med Chris Hemsworth som var den enda duktiga skådespelaren i hela filmen.
- Varit ute och joggat (spännande va)
- Eh det var nog allt...
- ... Just det jag har spelat The Sims Medieval lite mer och det är så kul *U* nu när man kommit lite längre in i spelet i alla fall.
Visste ni förresten att Joss gjorde den första datoranimerade (förlåt om jag inte stavade det rätt men Sara... Just leave it) filmern - Toy Story. Skills va?
- Man of steel (superman)
- Monsters University (uppföljaren till Monsters Ink)
- Baksmällan 3
- Grown ups 2
- G.I.Joe 2
- The Wolwerine (ok kanske inte en uppföljare men typ... En till Wolwerine film i alla fall)
- The End of the World (inte heller en uppföljare men ärligt... en till jordensundergångfilm?)
- Percy Jacksson: The sea monster
- Anchorman 2 (Wut?)
- Scary Movie 5
- Dumma mej 2
- Red 2
- 300: Battle of Artemisia
- Epic (Visst låter den epic Ü)
- Knight of Cups (bara för att namnet låter väldigt flummigt)
- The Wolf of Wall Street (skriver den bara för att orden "wolf", "wall" och "street" inte verkar höra ihop på något sätt)
- The Iceman (hoppas att det är en tecknad barnfilm Ü... Det var det inte :S)
- Hansel and Gretel: Witch hunters (ännu en omgjord saga)
- Jack the Giant Killer (och en till)
"This is the english not the turkish court"
The Sims!
Who knows? Only time.
- för svag appelsinjuice
- när brevlådan är tom
- myggbett
- mjäll i andras hår
- mjäll över huvud taget
- skrynkliga papper
- "suddspån"
- damm
- blött på golvet
- bryta av en udd
- bryta en nagel
- stickor
- växtvärk
- packa
- lukten av nyklippt gräs
- varma bullar
- bubbelplast
- nytvättade lakan
- tomma papperskorgar
- dammsuga
- klätterträd
- gå barfota
- små, små flugor
- lena stenar
- få en biljett
- att ha långt kvar i en bra bok
- blöt asfalt
- sommarregn
- att vara flummig
- regnbågar
- se ett vilt djur
- vässade pennor
- vakna och vara pigg
- sitta i ett träd
- flyga
Tony Stark's Awards
Would you leave me if I told I ate the last cookie?
Sara svara på mina sms!!
Sorry kommer inte på vad jag ska skriva men kommer tillbaka senare...
Tillbaka från Gotland ^.^
några gamla bilder
Lilla tankspridda jag
Cissi "Om ni sitter som ljus så får ni gå på lunch."
Midsommarafton natten lång, kärlek och dans och sång...
Det här är så himla typiskt pappa:
At lunch…
Steve -Tony, could you pass me the salad, please?
Tony - Eh what?
S - The salad, please.
T - Sorry… Here you go.
S - Thank you. What are you doing by the way?
T - Mm just reading the news, they are discussing how to make the cars friendlier to the environment, and I think-
Loki - Stark, no one wants to know what you think, thank you.
S - Loki do you always have to be so…
L - So what?
S - So mean.
L - Well forgive me, but I just saved us from a long lecture about Tony Stark’s brilliant idea and how no body else understands it.
T - I wasn’t going to have a lecture I was just going to-
L - I don’t want to-
T - Say that-
L - Know what you were going to say!
T - Fine.
Thor - Why are you guys yelling so much?
S - Good morning Thor. Loki and Tony are having a fight.
Th - Loki! No fights!
L - Not that kind of fight, we were talking… Loudly.
Th - Good, I don’t want to put you in handcuffs again.
L - You wouldn’t dare.
Th- Sure I would. Where’s the beef?
S - It’s vegetarian week.
Th - What do you mean Steve?
S - No meat.
Th - What… No meat?
S - Exactly, just vegetables.
Th - …
T - You’ll manage.
Th - Who came up with this stupid idea, no meat for a week? All I want is a big cooked peace of meat.
S – Well we only have pasta salad and Pita bread today.
Natasha – Could every one please just sit down and eat like Clint and Bruce.
L – What are you doing? You can’t have cucumber in the Pita bread.
N – Why not, it’s good.
L – Not just cucumber, you need to have meat to.
N – But we don’t have any meat.
Th – Seriously no meat… not even fish?
T – No I think you can have fish…
S – Yes but not today.
Th – Ah I can’t eat this, it’s cold.
L – Come one it’s not that bad.
Th – Yes it is. I’m not eating it.
N – You’ll be hungry.
Th – I’ll manage.
Some hours later…
Thor sneaks into the kitchen.
Thor – Loki? What are you doing here?
Loki – I could ask you the same.
Thor – I was hungry.
Loki – Me too.
Thor – What did you find?
Loki – Dried fruit and crackers.
Thor – Give me some.
Loki – Hey don’t take it all, leave some for me.
Thor – I’m hungrier than you.
Loki – Don’t push me… Give them back!
Steve – …
Thor – Ehm Steve…
Loki – We were just…
Steve – No explanation needed, give me some crackers I’m hungry.
Tony – What are you doing here?
Steve, Thor, Loki – Nothing!
Tony – Why are you eating from my private storage?
Thor – You want some?
Tony – Yeah sure. You know… Let’s skip this vegetarian week I want meat.
Thor – Yes thank you!
Steve – Who came up with this idea anyway?
Tony – Pepper.
Loki – What? We have been eating this crap because of a woman?
Tony – A good woman.
Thor – Well we’re stopping right now.
Tony, Steve – Yeah.
Förlåt om slutet verkar förhastat eller något... God natt.....Zzzzzzz
I've never been perfect but neither have you...😒
En grej som jag är jätte excited över är att Lego Batman 2 kommer att släppas nu i sommar \(^.^)/ Yeeeeey!
Här är några dialoger med insperation från våra samtal i skolan:
Steve – How’s the meat?
Thor – This is not meat… It’s flour, water and salt.
Steve – So you don’t like it?
Thor – It’s better than pasta salad.
Steve – I want this thing – doughnut surprise.
Natasha – Ah the Internet is down. Tony!
Thor – What, you took a vegetarian pizza?
Bruce – Yes…
Thor – But… No, just no!
Natasha – Why not? It’s nothing wrong with it.
Thor – But the meat… You think I would have these muscles if I didn’t eat meat?
(L)Oki det var allt för idag :)
Thor's morning
Thor woke up but he didn’t open his eyes. The light from the sun came in through the open window, which meant that it was almost eight o’clock.
Thor stretched he’s arms and tried to reach for the hammer, Mjölner, that he always had next to the bed. But he could not find it. He opened he’s eyes and leaned over the bed, the hammer was not there.
He jumped out of the bed and started looking around frenetically. “Hammer!” He yelled, but of course it didn’t work, he could not see he’s hammer, it wasn’t anywhere in the room.
How could this be? He was the only one who could lift Mjölner so no one could have moved it. Maybe he had not put it in its usual place last night. Maybe he left it in the kitchen… No, he knew he’d left the hammer next to the bed last night.
He started to panic, he could just call for it and it would come flying to his hand but he didn’t know where it was and it could easily kill some one on the way to his hand.
This was not good, not good at all, the hammer was like a part of him and no one else knew how to handle it. He had to tell the others about it.
He went to the cupboard, got dressed and then he went to the elevator.
This device had always made him insecure, it was crowded and it felt weird wen it moved from floor to floor and just the fact that the humans had this and the Gods didn’t.
The elevator stopped at the kitchen floor and the doors opened. There was a big round table in the dinning room, Tony and Steve sat at the table and ate. Natasha stood at the bar making a coffee.
“Good morning big guy” Tony said looking up from his waffles.
Thor snorted.
“What’s the matter?” Natasha asked.
Thor walked to the table and grabbed a cracker. He sat down at on a chair and said. “I can not find my hammer.”
Steve choked. “What!?”
“I could not find it in its usual place.” Thor said and felt guilty; it was his weapon, his responsibility.
“Really Thor… Well that’s not good.” Lokis voice was full of malice. That was the last voice Thor wanted to hear right now.
“If I find out you’re involved in this, brother.” Thor said with a threatening voice.
“Then what? You’re going to throw your hammer at me?” You could see that Loki really enjoyed this.
“This is not funny Loki!” Natasha said with anger in her voice, “Where did you see it last time Thor?”
“Last night, next to my bed.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I am.”
“Maybe you put it in the suit room.” Steve suggested.
“No, I always keep it in my room at night.”
“We better go and check anyway.” Said Tony. “Come on I can go there with you.”
Tony and Thor walked out of the room. Natasha looked at Loki who now sat at the table eating a tuna sandwich.
“What did you do?” She asked and put her arms over her chest.
“Me?” Loki looked surprised.
“Well of course you! Don’t look so surprised. What did you do with the hammer?”
“I haven’t done anything! You know I can’t lift Mjölner, only Thor can. And you know I can’t make it invisible.”
“No I didn’t know that but what I do know is that Thors hammer is missing and you are the only one of us who enjoys it.”
“But Tasha, he said he could not lift it. What else could he have done?” Steve said.
“Well I don’t know what he is capable of and why are you on his side?” Natasha said with rising anger.
“I’m not on anyone’s side I just don’t want you to start killing each other.”
“We disappear for five minutes and you start killing each other.” Tony said coming out of the elevator with Thor. “It wasn’t there.”
Thor sits down at the table again with a sad face. “What have I done…”
“Don’t worry point break, we’ll find it. Jarvis turn on the television.”
The television turns on and shows the news. A reporter stands next to a road; there are the ambulance, the police and a lot of other reporters. The woman says:
“I’m standing here outside the Stark Tower where two hours ago something fell out of the window and smashed a car. Luckily no one was hurt because the car was empty. Now specialist are trying to take the object out of the car…”
She gets interrupt by a man in black suit that asks her to stop recording and leave the area. Some Shield agents appear with machine guns and clear the area.
Every one in the dining room turns their heads at Thor.
“So I guess we found it.” Loki says unamused.
“We better check your room again.” Says Tony and they all go to the elevator.
When they are in Thors room they see the open window and look down to the road. Down there is the smashed car and the Shield agents.
“Sir, Director Fury is on the line.” Says Jarvis. Then they hear a click and Nick Furys voice speaks to them.
“I don’t know what the hell you did up there but you better get down here, I think there is something that belongs to Thor.”
Loki starts laughing and has to sit down so he wont fall over.
“We’ll be there in a minute Nick.” Tony answers and they hear a new click, the call has ended.
Some time later Thor walks out of the Stark Tower followed by Tony, Natasha, Steve and Loki who’s still laughing.
Thor walks to the car surrounded by Shields troops, Nick Fury stands next the car with his usual serious face.
Thor moves the car aside and yes; there some inches in the asphalt is Mjölner. Thor picks it up and walks back.
“So, where you having a party or what?” Fury asks.
“No, more likely a bad dream.” Thor says. “I’m sorry, it wont happen again.”
“I hope so.” Nick says and walks away to his car.
On the way back to Stark Tower Tony says:
“Maybe you should keep your hammer in the suit room from now one.”
“Yes, I believe that’s a good idea.” Thor answers.
“See, this time I wasn’t involved.” Loki says to Natasha.
“No, not this time.”